Sunday, September 28, 2014


Matter is anything that occupies space and has mass. Example, wood, plates, clothes, shoes, etc.

Classification of Matter
a. Pure Substance
     i. Element - the simplest pure substance
                     - composed of only one kind of material
                     - ex. silver, iron, aluminum
    ii. Compound - consists of two or more elements always in the same proportion
                          - can be separated into simpler substances by chemical means
                          - ex. salt, water
 b. Mixtures - two or more types of substances
                   - variable composition, can be separated by physical mean
    i. Homogeneous - the composition is uniform throughout the sample
                              - ex. air, salt water
    ii. Heterogenous - nonuniform composition
                              - ex. pizza, water and sand

States of Matter
a. Solid - has both distinct shape and definite volume
            - atoms are arranged orderly
b. Liquid - has a distinct volume but dependent of its container that is occupies
c. Gas - does not have definite shape or volume
           - particles are far apart, there's only little attraction
           - conforms to the volume and shape of it's container

Properties of Matter
a. Physical Property - a characteristic of the substance that can be observed/measured, such as color, shape, odor, luster, size, melting/boiling point and density
b. Chemical Property - a characteristic that indicates the ability of a substance to form another substance, this cannot be determined just by observing or touching the substance,
                                 - ex. Heat Combustion
c. Intensive Property - a property of matter that is dependent of the quantity of the substance but depends on the kind of matter
                                - ex. Density, boiling and melting point, specific gravity
d. Extensive Property - depends of quantity of a substance
                                 - ex. Mass, Volume

Changes of Matter
a. Physical Change - a change in physical property that retains the identity of the substance: a change in size, or a change in shape or in appearance or state
                               ex. water boiling, water freezing, sugar dissolving in water
b. Chemical Change - a change in which the original substance is converted to one or more new substances
                                - ex. paper burns, iron rusts, silver tarnishes

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